Follow Jesus

Join us for an event for "youth" of all ages!!!!  The lessons are designed to be especially encouraging to young people, and provide urgent teaching for parents, grandparents, and all who love the Lord. Sam Bray will be presenting all five lessons. Sam is a minister from the Pleasant Valley Church of Christ is Wichita Kansas. 

November 8th-10th 2024

Friday - 7:00pm- Where Jesus Went For Me

Friday- 8:30pm- Bonfire Offsite

Saturday- 10:00am- Leaving The World To Follow Jesus

Saturday- 11:00am- The Digital Following: Protecting Kids From Devices

Saturday- 12:00pm-4:00pm- Hosted Lunch Offsite and Activities

Sunday- 9:30am- Following Jesus With A Whole Heart

Sunday- 10:30am- The Transformed Life: Becoming Who We Follow

For more information, contact Ron Carpenter @ Five 03.347.3213

  1. 9:30 am Bible Class
    10/6/24 09:30am
  2. 10:30 am Worship
    10/6/24 10:30am
  3. Ladies Classes
    10/6/24 12:30pm
  4. View Full Calendar